STMIK student “AMIKBANDUNG” a.k.a. STMIK Cipta Teknologi Persada has competed in a TIC (Tahfidzul Qur’an Online Islamic Competition) competition with the topic “Establishing ukhuwah improves the congregation.” This tournament was conducted at 143-145 Rabbani Jalan Buah Batu.
STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” submitted four students as representatives: Devira, Yayang, Rani, and Siti Nurlela. Competitors in this tournament are open to the general public, such as students or those who are already employed, but not just Bandung locals take part; there are also many participants from outside the city, such Tasik, Pangalengan, and Garut, among others. The purpose of the gathering is to promote ukhuwah (brotherhood) among Muslim women from diverse locations. STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” received two honors in this competition: first place in the tahsin competition and second place in the tahfidz competition.