Study Profile

The Information Systems major is a scientific field that combines computer science with business and management. In this study program, you will learn how to identify company business needs and processes based on company-owned data, then design a system that fits the company’s needs.
- Problem solving ability
- Systematic thinking ability
- Ability to perform analysis
- Research ability
- Data managerial capabilities
Graduate Profile

Graduates from the Information Systems Study Program are able to create or design and develop an information system architecture for business and organizational needs that will be supported by enterprise architecture planning materials, system analysis, audit systems, web programming and design.

Graduates from the Information Systems Study Program are capable and able to manage and control an information technology, able to understand and document information needs, and able to create innovations from technology as a solution.

Graduates from the Information Systems Study Program can integrate databases with query operations and GIS statistical analysis and can display geographical aspects and the analytical benefits offered by maps, including displaying geographic data.
Specialization Program

Geographic Information System
Digital Business
The Digital Business specialization program can be intended for students majoring in S1 Information Systems. The digital business specialization program has strengths in business learning using digital technology. This study program was developed to prepare human resources in the field of digital start-up, market place, big data to artificial intelligence.
Students who take part in this specialization program will be directed to have the ability to formulate various new and alternative ideas for solving problems in certain cases which are the focus of attention in the field of digital business in general and digital business in particular.
Graduates of this digital business specialization program can work at the managerial level in various industries ranging from finance and banking to start-ups. And of course, graduates from this study program can also become technopreneurs or entrepreneurs in the field of technology.

Work Prospect
The knowledge learned in college is very applicable, so it can make it easier for you to adapt to the work environment. The job prospects for the Information Systems Study Program are classified as the job prospects with the highest pay and are most needed for the next 10 years. Career options are also very varied.
Have the ability to design, develop, and maintain geographic-based information systems
Have the ability to analyze needs and design information systems for enterprise level use
Have the ability to design and carry out information technology security audits and provide recommendations for improvements
A profession that develops software that can facilitate human work
Have the ability to design and carry out information technology security audits and provide recommendations for improvements
Have the ability to design and carry out information technology security audits and provide recommendations for improvements
Is a profession that has the knowledge and ability to analyze, design, develop, and maintain financial technology devices
In addition to the professional fields above, graduates of Informatics Engineering can also work in other fields. For example in the field of education or in the scientific field by becoming researchers at research institutions such as LIPI, BPPT, and the Research and Development Agency in companies