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STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” Fundamental Cybersecurity Seminar for Students, Students and Teachers of SMKN 4 Bandung

The STMIK STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” campus is again holding a Technology Seminar which is located at SMKN 4 Bandung.

Seminar activities were held at the SMKN 4 Bandung Laboratory on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 with the theme “Cybersecurity Fundamentals”.

Also attending the seminar were resource persons from STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” Campus Lecturers Girindro Pringgo Digdo, M.T., Yuyun Tresnawati, M.Kom., Rudi Kurniawan M.T., Head of Information Systems Study Program, Muhammad Abdul Mujib, M.T, and Head of Informatics Engineering Study Program STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” , Rr Octanty Mulianingtyas, M.Sc.

Head of Informatics Engineering Study Program Rr Octanty Mulianingtyas, M.Sc, in his remarks at the opening of the Technology Seminar said that cyber security is important in today’s modern era because it can provide protection for information, especially personal data.

Meanwhile the presenter, Girindro Pringgo Digdo, M.T. said that we are obliged to be more careful about several types of cyber that are familiar in today’s era including Malware, Phishing, Ransomware, DoS Attacks and URL Interpretation. in his discussion he explained a number of things that must be considered so that we are not easily exposed to cyber crime attacks including repairing passwords or passwords that have been made into a sentence because they will be difficult to manipulate, paying attention to protocols such as http or https in opening a site, and validating on websites that we open, especially when there is input from accounts from either social media or mobile banking.

The seminar activities took place in an interesting way and made the participants pay attention to the materials presented by the speakers, as well as the attention of the participants to ask about cyber security was very enthusiastic.