Amik Update
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AMIK Goes To School | SMAN 2 Bandung

The STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” campus attended university socialization activities from BK teachers which were held at SMAN 2 Bandung School which is located at Jl. Cihampelas No.173, Cipaganti, Coblong District, Bandung City on February 21-24 2023. Socialization activities took place in SMAN 2 Bandung classes including, XII MIPA 8, XII MIPA 4, XII IPS 3, XII IPS 4, XII IPS 1, XII MIPA 5, XII IPS 2, XII MIPA 2, XII MIPA 6, XII MIPA 7, XII MIPA 1.

STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” attended socialization activities at SMAN 2 Bandung together with STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” students, with the aim of socializing the campus and sharing with students regarding the world of lectures and explaining facilities, study programs, campus activities and much more. The response given was very positive as seen from some of the activity of each student and they really felt helped by campus activities and information like this, because they could provide broader insights about the world of education and technology for the future.