Amik Update
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Collaboration between STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” and SMAN 1 Ngamprah

STMIK Campus “AMIKBANDUNG” is investigating a potential partnership with SMA Negeri 1 Ngamprah. Cooperation between educational institutions is crucial since the government is now pushing the Merdeka Campus and Merdeka Learning initiatives aggressively. This partnership comprises the development of the Merdeka and Merdeka Learning Campus and Educational Scholarships. Also present during the signing of the Cooperation from STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” were the Deputy Chair for Academic & Student Affairs Rudi Kurniawan, M.T. and the Staff for Cooperation and Innovation Andi Bhatari, S.Hum, as well as Drs Maart Arifin Djamhur Setiawan Sobani from SMA Negeri 1 Ngamprah Bandung.