Amik Update
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FLS2N “Festival Lomba Seni Siswa Nasional” 2023 STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG”

The implementation of FLS2N was very lively, the competition took place at the STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” Campus on May 26 2023, attended by the Head of STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” who was represented by the Chairperson of LPPM Dr. Eng. Ali Suryaperdana Agoes, M.T. who gave his speech “Welcome and have a good time competing for all participants in the 2023 National Student Art Competition Festival.

The competition took place in several locations on the STMIK “AMiKBANDUNG” campus including the campus hall, front garden, inner garden, and campus classes, the excitement of the competition was seen from how enthusiastic the participants and accompanying teachers were to prepare in order to get maximum results, the competition was divided into 11 branches and run smoothly and happily. The activity lasted 2 days where on the 1st day 10 branches were contested until the final while the 2nd day was the final competition for the Male and Female Solo Vocal category and the announcement of the winner of each competition.