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STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” Begins Research and Development on Face Recognition Technology.

Face Recognition is a new genre of software designed to detect a person’s facial traits statistically and store the data as a faceprint. This program employs a series of algorithms to compare live picture capture or archived digital photos. Face Recognition is used for a variety of tasks, including taking attendance, identifying criminals, unlocking mobile phones, and greeting visitors.

Okyza Maherdi Prabowo, M.T., and his students at STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” have developed face recognition. This major in Informatics created face recognition technologies to greet event attendees.

The premise of face recognition is that the camera and artificial intelligence will do a detailed scan of people’s faces. This scan will record information on the person’s eyes, jaw, lips, mouth, nose, face size, and other facial features. The data is then saved on a server dedicated to face recognition owners. Then, whenever the face of the individual whose data was scanned passes or rescans the camera using the same database, their data will be shown on the screen.

Developing facial recognition technology offers both pros and dangers. One of the benefits and drawbacks of this software is that it can identify the faces of people who attend an event, but it must constantly be linked to the internet network.