Amik Update
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The STMIK  “AMIKBANDUNG” Student Regiment is taking part in the “Joint River Patrol and Environmental Campaign” (DLH) in the province of West Java.

Thursday, December 17, 2020, MENWA KOMPI STMIK AMIKBANDUNG, also known as the Mahawarman Student Regiment Battalion VI / STMIK Company Combined, participated in the Combined River Patrol and Environmental Campaign for the West Java Province.

Among the Beyond Clean and Green (DLH) Work Programs, this activity was conducted in the framework of environmental campaigns and to raise public awareness of the need for increased monitoring of the Citarum River. The region of the Citarum River was the river that became the goal. This is an environmental service project including the TNI, the nature enthusiast community (FPRBB, gardacaah, saga, etc.), menwa from battalion VI/Gab, and company E Unpas.